Selasa, 11 April 2017

Daily routine (Jakarta-Depok)

My name is Ulvi Yani. I was born in Jakarta 21 years ago. I am a college student at Gunadarma University,  Depok. The distance between my house and my campus is a little bit far,  it's about 28,8 km. Everyday I go to campus on train and it takes about 2 hours. Now, it's almost 4 years I travels to Jakarta-Depok. Even if it feels tiring, but I enjoys the trip to my campus. I'm kinda mad sometimes if the lecturers don't give us any information when they are absence. I use the train for a rest place. In my trip I use my time to sleep for a little bit and to study. Unfortunately, I'm not always take a seat on the train. Every day the amount of the passengers increase. So the train become full. Usually there are conflict to one pessenger to the other particularly some old women in the crowd. Every years the train's management makes an improvement for their service like the security, facility and the cleanliness. And they provide some place for women only and gives a pleasant for women and to prevent the sexual harrasment. Thank you

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